How to sooth your teething baby

When your baby is teething, you feel all the discomfort that comes with it. What is worse is the feeling of helplessness that comes with not knowing how to relieve your baby from the pain they are visibly going through.


How do you know when your baby is teething?

Since your baby can’t tell you when he or she starts teething. Here are some signs to watch for when you suspect that your baby might be teething.


1. Lot and lots of drool

One of the first signs of teething in a baby is drool. It might start off as a small amount, but only increases the older they get and the more teeth they are trying to push through their gums.


2. Constant Sucking

It’s fairly harmless until they actually get a tooth and then they accidentally bite themselves… then you have a problem. It really isn’t limited to sucking on their hands though, anything within grabbing distance is fair game.


3. They are Fussier than usual

Babies cry, that’s normal, but one of the signs of teething in a baby is being fussier than usual. If your baby isn’t hungry, he/she has a clean diaper and isn’t sick, then they might just be fussier because of teething.


Now that you’ve confirmed that your baby is teething, this is how you can help…

The National Institute of Health recommends giving your baby something firm and cool to chew on, for example, Fussy Pops.


Introducing Fussy Pops Cookies…..

Fussy Pops is a teething cookie. Soft enough to chew without hurting a sore mouth, but can stand up to plenty of drool! They worked well for my children through the teething years, and even into the toddler years.

I as an adult also enjoy them as they are popularly called a “meal in a cookie”. This means that they contain all the essential nutrients.

Try Fussypops

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