Why instant noodles is bad for your child

I know this may not be the best news for you if you love instant noodles for you and your family.

You must have heard about this but think it is just from the “haters of noodles”.

You may also think that there are no substitute for instant noodles for children. That is not true. There are substitutes of toddler and kids’ meals before the instant noodles became popular.

“Oh but I add egg, vegetables, and also exclude the “sauces” when cooking them for my child” You say, but sadly does not change much as most children pick out the veggies anyway!

In-depth research on instant noodles have revealed that it has been ripped off almost all nutritious content and left preserved with a petroleum-industry-based chemical known as Tertiary Hydroquinone (TBHQ).

It is also high in sodium, highly-processed wheat product and monosodium glutamate which is known to give that unique taste and preserve it for longer.

Ok, ok, so should we ban instant noodles? Oh no! you might ask.

This article is just to highlight the dangers of excessive consumption especially for women and children. It is known to cause/trigger cancer, obesity and other forms of diseases associated with a high consumption of processed foods with artificial seasonings.

We owe it to our children to protect their health with natural and gently-processed foods that retain their innate nutrients.

The key is: Moderation. Instant Foods if they must be given, should be in moderation and not a daily affair.

So what are some of the substitutes for a busy person like me? A busy mother who needs to make quick, healthy meals for the kids.


1. Rice:

Unlike noodles, white and brown rice still contains varying amounts of Vitamins, Carbohydrates and a mineral nutrient known as manganese, which helps promote bone and nerve health and maintain sugar levels in the body.


Fried rice with Chicken & garden vegetables, Palm oil Rice, Jollof Rice with vegetables & Fish.
This photo is Fried rice with Chicken Puffpuff from the Augustsecrets Recipe Book.


2. Plantain:

Plantains are not just rich in carbohydrates but in nutrients such as fibre and Vitamin A which helps to boost clear eyes and skin.

They should therefore not be overcooked, but nutrients are best preserved through baking and steamed over medium heat.


Plantain Scrambled Eggs: Dice Plantain into 2 eggs, tomatoes, pepper, AugustSecrets Fish Powder, Salt and fry lightly in cooking oil.


3. Pasta:

When shopping for Pasta, look out for the whole wheat version as it retains more of its nutritious germ and bran from the wheat it is made of.

Veggie Beans Pasta

AGE: From 1 year


1 cup pasta or thin spaghetti1 tablespoon Veggie Beans
1 teaspoon AugustSecrets Fish Powder
Some curry, thyme, garlic, ginger powder and salt to taste.
Some tomatoes and bell peppers
Some chicken, beef or boneless fish.
Some coconut, groundnut or palm oil


1. Place a pot on heat with water. Pour in the pasta, parboil and drain
2. Place the pot back on heat with the pasta, dissolve Veggie Beans and other ingredients in water and add to the pasta to cook together
3. Check for more water to cook till soft.
4. Add all the Veggies, cooked beef or chicken, veggies when almost ready!

Serve warm with water or cup of milk by the side.


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