Homeschooling effectively: tips for parents

With the continual spread of the COVID-19  infection in Nigeria, many parents are now faced with the task of bringing the classroom home and filling the role of teacher and guardian all at once. Below are some tips that can help you homeschool effectively.


1. Set up a learning environment

Choose a place in your home where your child can sit and focus. Kids may move around during the day but having a dedicated space helps them concentrate and perform better, similar to a classroom setting. If it is away from distractions, like toys and electronics, your child has a better chance of staying on task.


2. Have a schedule

Children are used to having a routine in school, so creating a similar structure or schedule for them at home makes adapting to homeschool easier. You can even include a time for lunch breaks, activity time, and TV breaks to help them manage their time well.

Since homeschooling involves both parents and child, the best approach is to create a schedule that accommodates the both of you.


3. Develop consistency

Many schools are utilizing Zoom as the online platform to help keep kids on task. This will help you stay on a schedule. Try to keep your subjects in the same order each day (if possible) because kids will know what is coming. It makes things easier.


4. Breaks are necessary

No one likes to sit at their desk all day, especially kids. In school they have snack time, recess, and lunch, and they change between classes or subjects. Try not to rush through the classwork just for the sake of finishing. It causes stress and does not benefit either you or the child. If you notice your child is losing focus, that is okay. Take a break, walk around, go outside, have a snack, or change to a different subject.


5. Use online resources

There are many great sites and platforms you can find online that provide free educational content to help your kids polish their skills. Some of them include Khan Academy, Lockdown Academy, BBC Bitesize daily, Gradely, etc.


6. Have compassion and show understanding

We all know that each child is different, and we should understand this adjustment period is difficult on them, too. They will miss their friends, their teachers, and the normalcy of school. If they exhibit behaviors of frustration, show them love and compassion, and listen to them. We often talk to our children, but how often do we actually listen?


7. Create time for yourself

Make sure you create time for yourself. The best homeschooling approach is one that gives both you and your child a break. Whatever makes you happy, do your best to create the time and space to do it.


8. Make it fun

There are fun ways to learn and to make homeschooling more interesting you can include bake class, games, planting, painting, etc




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