8 productivity tips for busy moms

Bibi & I were discussing the other day that working from home is now more stressful because its become a part of our daily lives.
With the kids around asking for foods & snacks every minute, to be honest, I just lock myself up in the home office and allow the nanny take care of the baby.

If we’re not mindful of the stress, we might end up not achieving anything the whole day.

Here are some tips that could help to boost productivity:


1. Prioritise:

Have a list of tasks that needs to be accomplished, using the scale of preference from the most important to the least important.


2. Get Organized:

start your day with a to-do list. Tick out what you’ve done and what’s left.


3. Meal Plan and Meal Prep:

Create a meal plan for two weeks or more, and bulk shop ingredients. Prep meals and store in the freezer. On daily basis you just pop out of the freezer and heat up.


4. Focus & then play:

As busy Moms there is always a list of One million and one tasks we want to accomplish, however it’s better to start with one at a time. Focus on the core and find time to play & rest in between.


5. Tackle your hardest task first:

Start with the hardest one that seems not possible, when bigger task are solved, you’re inspired to tackle smaller tasks as there is feeling of achievement.


6. Don’t work in silence:

Whilst going through your daily activities, trying listening to podcast, music, e-book, or something to keep you moving.


7. Delegate:

There is no award for the over worked or stressed mom, seek for help from family members and friends.


8. Prioritize Self Care:

Self care is so important, prioritize your happiness first, go on solo vacation, spa date, lunch date. Have a me time.

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